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 Sibling names for Hawraaben

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Sibling names for 'Hawraaben' (Please check and change above options to get desired result)
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AadilIndianJust; Upright; JusticeBoy
AahilIndian Boy
AaishIndian Boy
AakifIndian Boy
AalamIndianWhole worldBoy
AalamIndianThe whole worldBoy
AaleeIndianSublime; Lofty; HighBoy
AalimIndianReligious scholarBoy
AamilIndianDoer; Work manBoy
AamirIndianPopulous; Full; ProsperousBoy
AarifIndianAcquainted; KnowledgeableBoy
AarifIndianKnowing; Aware; Acquainted; KnowledgeableBoy
AarizIndianRespectable man; IntelligentBoy
AasifIndianAn able ministerBoy
AasimIndianProtector; Defendant; CentralBoy
AatifIndianKind affectionateBoy
AatiqIndianKind affectionateBoy
AayidIndian Boy
AazadIndianFree; IndependentBoy
AbaanIndian Boy
AbaanIndianMore clearBoy
AbaanIndianOld Arabic nameBoy
AbadiyahIndian Boy
AbahhIndian Boy
AbanIndianMore clearBoy
AbbaadIndianGreat worshipperBoy
AbbaasIndianDescription of a lionBoy
AbbadIndianGreat worshipperBoy
AbbasIndianDescription of a lionBoy
AbdahIndian Boy
AbdalIndianSlave of the highBoy
AbdealiIndianFollower Of AliBoy
AbdnanIndian Boy
Abdul AdheemIndianServant of the most greatBoy
Abdul AfuwIndianSlave of the one who pardonsBoy
Abdul AhadIndianSlave of he who is one AllahBoy
Abdul AleemIndianServant of the all knowingBoy
Abdul AliIndianSlave of the highBoy
Abdul AlimIndianSlave of the all knowingBoy
Abdul AwwalIndianSlave of the first oneBoy
Abdul AzeezIndianServant of the mightyBoy
Abdul AzeezIndianServant of the mighty; PowerfulBoy
Abdul AzimIndianSlave of the greatBoy
Abdul BaaqiIndianServant of the ever-lastingBoy
Abdul BaariIndianServant of the evolverBoy
Abdul BaariIndianServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul BaasidIndianServant of the expanderBoy
Abdul BaasitIndianServant of the expanderBoy
Abdul BadeeIndianSlave of the originatorBoy
Abdul BaithIndianSlave of the one who raises deathBoy
Abdul BarrIndianServant of the source of goodnessBoy
Abdul BaseerIndianSlave of the all seeingBoy
Abdul BatinIndianSlave of unseenBoy
Abdul DhahirIndianServant of the manifestBoy
Abdul FattaahIndianSlave of the giver of victoryBoy
Abdul FattahIndianSlave of the giver of victoryBoy
Abdul GhaffarIndianServant of the forgiverBoy
Abdul GhafoorIndianServant of the forgiverBoy
Abdul GhafurIndianServant of the all forgivingBoy
Abdul GhaniIndianServant of the self sufficientBoy
Abdul HaadiIndian Boy
Abdul HaafizIndianServant of the protectorBoy
Abdul HadiIndianServant of the guideBoy
Abdul HafeedhIndianServant of the preserverBoy
Abdul HafeezIndianSlave of the protectorBoy
Abdul HafizIndianSlave of the guardianBoy
Abdul HaiIndian Boy
Abdul HakeemIndianServant of wiseBoy
Abdul HaleemIndianServant of the forbearing OneBoy
Abdul HalimIndianSlave of the wiseBoy
Abdul HameedIndianServant of praiseworthyBoy
Abdul HameedIndianServant of the praiseworthy; Ever praisedBoy
Abdul HamidIndianSlave of the praiseworthyBoy
Abdul HannanIndianSlave of the mercifulBoy
Abdul HaqqIndianServant of the truthBoy
Abdul HaseebIndianServant of the reckonedBoy
Abdul HaseebIndianServant of the respected; EsteemedBoy
Abdul HayyIndianSlave of the livingBoy
Abdul JabaarIndianServant of the mightyBoy
Abdul JabbarIndianServant of the compellerBoy
Abdul JaleelIndianServant of the sublimeBoy
Abdul JaleelIndianServant of the great; ReveredBoy
Abdul JawwadIndianSlave of the bountifulBoy
Abdul KabirIndianSlave of the greatBoy
Abdul KaderIndianServant of the ableBoy
Abdul KareemIndianServant of the most generousBoy
Abdul KhaaliqIndianServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul KhabirIndianSlave of the one who is awareBoy
Abdul KhaliqIndianServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul LateefIndianServant of the subtleBoy
Abdul MaalikIndianSlave of the master or lordBoy
Abdul MajeedIndianServant of the most gloriousBoy
Abdul MajidIndianServant of the nobleBoy
Abdul MalikIndianServant of the sovereign lordBoy
Abdul ManiIndianSlave of one who preventsBoy
Abdul MannanIndianSlave of the benefactorBoy
Abdul MateenIndianSlave of the firmBoy
Abdul MubdeeIndianSlave of the originatorBoy
Abdul MueedIndianSlave of the restorerBoy
Abdul MughniIndianServant of the enrichedBoy
Abdul MuhayminIndianSlave of the protectorBoy
Abdul MuhsinIndianSlave of the benefactorBoy
Abdul MujeebIndianServant of the responsiveBoy
Abdul MuminIndianServant of the guardian of faithBoy
Abdul MunimIndianSlave of the GenerousBoy
Abdul MuqeetIndianSlave of the sustainerBoy
Abdul MuqsitIndianSlave of the justBoy
Abdul MuqtadirIndianServant of powerfulBoy
Abdul MusawwirIndianSlave of the fashionerBoy
Abdul MutiIndianSlave of the giverBoy
Abdul MuzanniIndianHe was a narrator of hadithBoy
Abdul NafiIndianSlave of the propitiousBoy
Abdul NaseerIndianSlave of the helperBoy
Abdul NoorIndianServant of the lightBoy
Abdul NurIndianServant of the lightBoy
Abdul QaadirIndianServant of the ableBoy
Abdul QaadirIndianServant of the capableBoy
Abdul QadeerIndianSlave of the powerfulBoy
Abdul QadirIndianSlave of the powerfulBoy
Abdul QahaarIndianServant of the subdue; AlmightyBoy
Abdul QahaarIndianServant of the subduer; AlmightyBoy
Abdul QahharIndianServant of the subduerBoy
Abdul QaiyoumIndianSlave of the self subsistentBoy
Abdul QayoomIndianSlave of the self subsistentBoy
Abdul QayyumIndianSlave of the self subsistentBoy
Abdul QuddoosIndianServant of the most holyBoy
Abdul QuddusIndianServant of the most holyBoy
Abdul QudoosIndianServant of the most holyBoy
Abdul RabbIndianSlave of the lordBoy
Abdul RafiIndianSlave of the exalterBoy
Abdul RaheemIndianServant of the most compassionateBoy
Abdul RaoufIndianServant of the most mercifulBoy
Abdul RaqibIndianSlave of the vigilantBoy
Abdul RasheedIndianServant of the rightly guidedBoy
Abdul RazaaqIndianServant of the maintainer; ProviderBoy
Abdul RazaaqIndianServant of the maintainerBoy
Abdul SalaamIndianServant of peaceBoy
Abdul SalaamIndianServant of the peaceBoy
Abdul TawwabIndianSlave of acceptor of repentanceBoy
Abdul WaahidIndianServant of the oneBoy
Abdul WaahidIndianServant of godBoy
Abdul WaajidIndianServant of the finderBoy
Abdul WaaliIndianSlave of the governorBoy
Abdul WadoodIndianServant of the lovingBoy
Abdul WahhabIndianServant of the best ownerBoy
Abdul WahidIndianServant of godBoy
Abdul WajidIndianSlave of the finder; PerceiverBoy
Abdul WakilIndianSlave of trusteeBoy
Abdul WaliyIndianSlave of the protecting friendBoy
Abdul WarithIndianServant of the supreme inheritorBoy
Abdul WasiIndianSlave of the all embracingBoy
AbduladlIndianSlave of the justBoy
Abdul-AzeezIndianServant of the mighty; The powerfulBoy
Abdul-AzeezIndianServant of the mighty; PowerfulBoy
Abdul-BaariIndianServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul-GhafoorIndianServant of the forgiverBoy
Abdul-HaafizIndianServant of the protectorBoy
Abdul-HafizIndianServant of the protectorBoy
Abdul-HameedIndianServant of praiseworthy; Ever praisedBoy
Abdul-HameedIndianServant of the praiseworthy; Ever praisedBoy
Abdul-HaseebIndianServant of the respected; EsteemedBoy
Abdul-JabaarIndianServant of the mightyBoy
Abdul-JabarIndianServant of the mightyBoy
Abdul-JaleelIndianServant of the great; ReveredBoy
Abdul-KhaaliqIndianServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul-KhaliqIndianServant of the creatorBoy
AbdullahIndianServant of GodBoy
AbdullahIndianServant of AllahBoy
AbdulmuhyeeIndianSlave of who gives life and sustains itBoy
AbdulmuntaqimIndianSlave of him who punishes wrong doingsBoy
Abdul-QaadirIndianServant of the capableBoy
Abdul-QadirIndianServant of the capableBoy
Abdul-QahaarIndianServant of the rubduer; AlmightyBoy
Abdul-QahaarIndianServant of the subduer; AlmightyBoy
Abdul-QudoosIndianServant of the most holyBoy
Abdul-RaheemIndianServant of the most compassionateBoy
AbdulrahmanIndianservant of the merciful oneBoy
Abdul-RaoufIndianServant of the most mercifulBoy
Abdul-RasheedIndianServant of the rightly guidedBoy
Abdul-RazaaqIndianServant of the maintainer; ProviderBoy
Abdul-RazaaqIndianServant of the maintainer; The ProviderBoy
Abdul-SalaamIndianServant of peaceBoy
Abdul-SalaamIndianServant of the peaceBoy
Abdul-WaahidIndianServant of the oneBoy
Abdul-WaahidIndianServant of godBoy
Abdul-WadoodIndianServant of the lovingBoy
Abdur RaheemIndianServant of the most mercifulBoy
Abdur RahmaanIndianServant of the most graciousBoy
Abdur RahmanIndianServant of the most graciousBoy
Abdur RaqeebIndianServant of watchfulBoy
Abdur RasheedIndianServant of guide to right pathBoy
Abdur RaufIndianServant of the compassionateBoy
Abdur RazzaaqIndianServant of the providerBoy
Abdur RazzaqIndianServant of the providerBoy
AbdusIndianA narrator of hadithBoy
Abdus SabourIndianServant of patientBoy
Abdus SaburIndianSlave of the forbearingBoy
Abdus SalaamIndianSlave of the giver of peaceBoy
Abdus SalamIndianSlave of the giver of peaceBoy
Abdus SamadIndianServant of the eternalBoy
Abdus SameeiIndianServant of the all hearingBoy
Abdus SamiIndianSlave of the all hearingBoy
Abdus SattarIndianSlave of one who conceals faultsBoy
Abdus ShafiIndianSlave of the healerBoy
Abdus ShaheedIndianServant of witnessBoy
Abdus ShakurIndianServant of the appreciativeBoy
Abdus SmadIndianSlave of the eternalBoy
Abdus SubboohIndianSlave of the extremely pureBoy
Abdush ShahidIndianSlave of the witnessBoy
Abdut TawwabIndian Boy
AbedIndianWorshipper; DevoteeBoy
AbedinIndianWorshipper; DevoteeBoy
AbidIndianWorshipper of godBoy
AbidIndianWorshipper; DevoteeBoy
AbidahIndianFather of knowledgeBoy
AboodIndian Boy
AbradIndianHail; MailBoy
AbrarIndianPetty; HandsomeBoy
AbrarIndianTruthful person; SaintBoy
AbrarIndianA truthful person; SaintBoy
AbrashIndianSpotted; SpeckledBoy
AbsiIndian Boy
Abu BakrIndianCompanion of prophet MuhammadBoy
Abu BakrIndianCompanion of prophet MohammedBoy
Abu BakrIndianThe companion of prophet MohammedBoy
Abul KhayrIndianOne who does goodBoy
AbyadIndianA narrator of hadithBoy
AbzariIndian Boy
AdamIndianEarth; Man; RedBoy
AdamIndianA Prophets nameBoy
AdawiIndianGrandson of Sayyindina UmerBoy
Adbul QawiIndianServant of the most powerfulBoy

Also See ...
»   View Indian and International names
»   Meaning of name 'Hawraaben'
»   Analysis of name 'Hawraaben'
»   Origin of name 'Hawraaben'
»   Gender of name 'Hawraaben'
»   Religion of name 'Hawraaben'
»   Rashi of name 'Hawraaben'
»   Numerical Characteristic of name 'Hawraaben'
»   Lucky number, color, day, metal for 'Hawraaben'
»   Auspicious Stones for 'Hawraaben'
»   Names Similar to 'Hawraaben'
»   Variants of name 'Hawraaben'
»   Twins name for 'Hawraaben'
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