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Sibling names for 'Manoja' (Please check and change above options to get desired result)
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AagneyIndianBorn from fire; Son of fireBoy
AagneyaIndianBorn from fire; Son of fireBoy
AbhijaatIndianWell bornBoy
AbidemiAfricanBorn During Father's AbsenceBoy
AbioyeAfricanBorn in RoyaltyBoy
AbjayoniIndianBorn of the lotus; Another name for BrahmaBoy
AbjayoniIndianBorn of the lotus; Lord BrahmaBoy
AdelphusLatinSibling; Born of the same wombBoy
AditIndianFirst bornBoy
AditIndianFirst born; From the beginningBoy
AdventFrenchBorn during adventBoy
AfolabiAfricanBorn in to WealthBoy
AnumEgyptianBorn FifthBoy
ArmendAlbanianGolden mindBoy
AryamanIndianNoble-minded; Aristocratic; SunBoy
AryamanIndianNoble minded; Aristocratic; SunBoy
AsaJapaneseBorn At DawnBoy
AventFrenchBorn during adventBoy
AvyuktIndianCrystal clear; Lord Krishna; Clear mindBoy
AvyuktaIndianCrystal clear; Lord Krishna; Clear mindBoy
BabuEgyptianOsiris's FirstbornBoy
BadruEgyptianBorn during the Full MoonBoy
BahmanIndianGood mind; Avalanche; 11th month of Iranian calendarBoy
BahmanIranian (Persian)Good Mind; Avalanche; 11th Month of Iranian CalendarBoy
BarasaAfricanBorn on SaturdayBoy
BayVietnameseBorn on a SaturdayBoy
BebEgyptianOsiris's FirstbornBoy
BebtiEgyptianOsiris's FirstbornBoy
BenjaminBiblicalBorn of the Right HandBoy
BenjaminHebrewBorn of the Right HandBoy
BenjaminSpanishBorn of the right handBoy
BimbolaAfricanBorn to WealthBoy
BosedeAfricanBorn on SundayBoy
BuintonSpanishBorn fifthBoy
CanicusLatinBorn of fireBoy
ChaarudattIndianBorn of beautyBoy
CharudattIndianBorn of beautyBoy
CharudattaIndianBorn with beautyBoy
CharuduttaIndianBorn of beautyBoy
ChenziraEgyptianBorn on a JourneyBoy
ChithayuIndianBorn of intellectBoy
ChittaranjanIndianOne who pleases the mind; Joy of inner mindBoy
ChittaranjanIndianOne who pleases the mindBoy
ChitteshIndianLord of soul; Ruler of mindBoy
CinaedScottishBorn of FireBoy
CionaodhScottishBorn of FireBoy
CuartioSpanishBorn fourthBoy
CuartoSpanishBorn fourthBoy
CyrilIndianBorne by large number of saintBoy
CyrilIndianLord; Borne by large number of SaintBoy
DanujIndianBorn of Danu; A DanavaBoy
DanujIndianBorn of Danu; DanavaBoy
Diogenes  (Διογένης)GreekBorn of ZeusBoy
DunnEnglishBorn of Yew; BrownBoy
DunnIndianBorn of Yew; BrownBoy
DwaipayanSanskritThe sage Vyasa; Another name of Veda Vyasa; Island-bornBoy
DwaipayanaSanskritThe sage Vyasa; Another name of Veda Vyasa; Island-bornBoy
EboEgyptianName Born on TuesdayBoy
EkachithIndianOne MindBoy
EkachithIndianWith one mindBoy
EssienAfricanSixth-Born SonBoy
EuanEnglishBorn of YewBoy
EuanIndianBorn of YewBoy
EuanScottishBorn from the Yew treeBoy
EugeinWelshWell bornBoy
EugenGermanWell Born; NobleBoy
EugenGreekWell Born; NobleBoy
EugeneFrenchWell Born; NobleBoy
Eugene  (Евгений)RussianWell Born; NobleBoy
EugenioItalianWell Born; NobleBoy
EugenioPortugueseWell bornBoy
EugenioSpanishWell Born; NobleBoy
Eugenios  (Ευγένιος)GreekWell Born; NobleBoy
EugeniusLatinBorn of Yew; Well bornBoy
EugeniuszPolishWell Born; NobleBoy
EugueinWelshWell bornBoy
Evgeni  (Евгений)RussianWell Born; NobleBoy
Evgenii  (Евгений)RussianWell Born; NobleBoy
Evgeniy  (Евгений)RussianWell Born; NobleBoy
Evgeny  (Евгений)RussianWell Born; NobleBoy
EvzaCzech & SlovakWell Born; NobleBoy
EvzenCzech & SlovakWell Born; NobleBoy
EvzenekCzech & SlovakWell Born; NobleBoy
EwainEnglishWell bornBoy
EwainIndianWell bornBoy
EwanEnglishBorn of YewBoy
EwanIndianBorn of YewBoy
EwanScottishBorn from the Yew treeBoy
EwaneEnglishWell bornBoy
EwaneIndianWell bornBoy
EwaneScottishWell Born; NobelBoy
EweinWelshWell bornBoy
EwenEnglishBorn of YewBoy
EwenIndianBorn of YewBoy
EwenScottishBorn from the Yew treeBoy
EzvenCzech & SlovakWell Born; NobleBoy
FarrokhzadIndianHappily bornBoy
FarrokhzadIranian (Persian)Happily BornBoy
FenukuEgyptianBorn LateBoy
GarnettEnglishGarnet (the gem); Precious Stone; Red like a Pomegranate; Born in januaryBoy
GarnettIndianGarnet (the gem); Precious Stone; Red like a Pomegranate; Born in januaryBoy
GeneEnglishWell bornBoy
GeneIndianWell bornBoy
GentiusLatinGentian Flower; Well BornBoy
GermogenRussianBorn of HermesBoy
GinoItalianNoble; Well BornBoy
GurdittaIndianOne born with guru's blessingBoy
HajiEgyptianBorn during a Pilgrimage; One who performed HajjBoy
HariharIndianBorn out of Hari (Vishnu) and Hara (Shiva)Boy
HariharanIndianBorn out of Hari (Vishnu) and Hara (Shiva)Boy
HariharanIndianBorn out of lord Vishnu (Hari) and lord Shiva (Hara)Boy
Hermogenes  (Ερμογένους)GreekBorn of HermesBoy
HewieEnglishHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HewieIndianHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HiramEnglishFree Born; NobleBoy
HiramIndianFree Born; NobleBoy
HubbardGermanBright mindBoy
HubertEnglishBright hear; mind and spiritBoy
HubertFrenchBright MindBoy
HubertGermanBright mindBoy
HubertIndianBright hear; mind and spiritBoy
HubertoSpanishBright MindBoy
HubertusDutchBright Heart; Mind; SpiritBoy
HubertusLatinBright heart; mind and spiritBoy
HubrechtDutchBright Heart; Mind; SpiritBoy
HuddEnglishHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HuddIndianHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HuddeEnglishHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HuddeIndianHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HueEnglishHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HueIndianHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HuetEnglishHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HuetIndianHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HueyEnglishHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HueyIndianHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HughEnglishHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HughFrenchBright MindBoy
HughIndianHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HugheEnglishHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HugheIndianHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HughieEnglishHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HughieIndianHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HugoEnglishHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HugoGermanBright heart; mind and spiritBoy
HugoIndianHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HugoLatinHeart; mind and spiritBoy
HugoSpanishBright MindBoy
HugubertGermanBright heart; mind and spiritBoy
HuguesFrenchHeart; Mind; SpiritBoy
HuibDutchBright Heart; Mind; SpiritBoy
HuppertGermanBright heart; mind and spiritBoy
HupprechtGermanBright heart; mind and spiritBoy
HuubDutchBright Heart; Mind; SpiritBoy
HuwWelshHeart; Mind; SpiritBoy
HyramEnglishFree Born; NobleBoy
HyramIndianFree Born; NobleBoy
IukiniHawaiianWell BornBoy
JagjeetIndianOne who conquers the world of the mindBoy
JaniuszPolishBorn in JanuaryBoy
JaniuszekPolishBorn in JanuaryBoy
JaromilCzech & SlovakBorn In SpringBoy
JaromilPolishBorn in SpringBoy
JavieroSpanishBorn in JanuaryBoy
JenciHungarianWell-Born; NobleBoy
JenoHungarianWell-Born; NobleBoy
JenuHungarianWell-Born; NobleBoy
JephtahHebrewFirst BornBoy
JumaAfricanBorn on a FridayBoy
JumaaneAfricanBorn on TuesdayBoy
KaranIndianKarna; The first born of KuntiBoy
KaranIndianKarna; First born of KuntiBoy
KaranIndianKarna; The firstborn of KuntiBoy
KaranIndianInstrument; The firstborn of KuntiBoy
KaranIndianA warrior; Instrument; Karna; First born of KuntiBoy
KareefArabianBorn During AutumnBoy
KarifArabianBorn During AutumnBoy
KarnaIndianA warrior; Instrument; First born of KuntiBoy
KarnaIndianThe first born of KuntiBoy
KarnaIndianFirst born of KuntiBoy
KarnaIndianFirstborn of KuntiBoy
KarnaIndianThe firstborn of KuntiBoy
KenitIndianA handsome man; Born of fireBoy
KenitIndianHandsome man; Born of fireBoy
KenithEnglishBorn of fire; Comely; Finely madeBoy
KenithIndianBorn of fire; Comely; Finely madeBoy
KennethEnglishBorn of fire; Comely; Finely madeBoy
KennethIndianBorn of fire; Comely; Finely madeBoy
KennithEnglishBorn of fire; Comely; Finely madeBoy
KennithIndianBorn of fire; Comely; Finely madeBoy
KennyEnglishBorn of fire; Comely; Finely madeBoy
KennyIndianBorn of fire; Comely; Finely madeBoy
KhamisiAfricanBorn on ThursdayBoy
KhnurnEgyptianMythical Reborn SunBoy
KinneyScottishBorn of FireBoy
KinnonScottishFair BornBoy
KobinaAfricanBorn on TuesdayBoy
KofiAfricanBorn on FridayBoy
KojoAfricanBorn on MondayBoy
KulikIndianWell bornBoy
KwabenaAfricanBorn on TuesdayBoy
KwadwoAfricanBorn on MondayBoy
KwakuAfricanBorn on WednesdayBoy
KwameAfricanBorn on SaturdayBoy
KwasiAfricanBorn on SundayBoy
KwekuAfricanBorn on WednesdayBoy
KwesiAfricanBorn on SundayBoy
MaanIndianMind; Heart; Lecturer; RespectBoy
ManajithIndianOne who conquered the mindBoy
ManasIndianMind; PowerBoy
MandeepIndianLight of the mindBoy
MandeepIndianLight of mindBoy
ManeeshIndianLord of the mindBoy
ManendraIndianKing of mindBoy
ManinderIndianLord of mindBoy
ManindraIndianDiamond; Lord of gems; Lord of mindBoy
ManishIndianIntelligent; Lord of mindBoy
ManishIndianLord of the mindBoy
ManishIndianLord of mindBoy
ManjeetIndianConqueror of mindBoy
ManjeetIndianConqueror of the mindBoy
ManjitIndianThe one who controls the mindBoy
ManmeetIndianFriend of mindBoy
ManoharIndianOne who wins over mindBoy
ManoharIndianBeautiful Lord; One who wins over mindBoy
ManojIndianBorn of mindBoy
ManojIndianBorn of mind; Mental LoveBoy
ManojIndianBorn of the mind; CupidBoy
ManojSanskritBorn of the mind; CupidBoy
ManonithIndianCarried by the mindBoy
ManoranjanIndianOne who pleases the mindBoy
ManoranjanIndianOne who pleases the mind; EntertainmentBoy
ManothIndianBorn of mindBoy
ManothIndianBorn of the mindBoy
MansukhIndianOne with peace of mind; Happy oneBoy
MansukhIndianPleasure of mindBoy
ManuEgyptianBorn SecondBoy
MedhanshIndianOne who born with intelligenceBoy
MedhanshIndianWho is born with IntelligenceBoy
MedhanshIndianOne who is born with intelligenceBoy
MensahEgyptianBorn ThirdBoy
MirlindAlbanianBorn wellBoy

Also See ...
»   View Indian and International names
»   Meaning of name 'Manoja'
»   Analysis of name 'Manoja'
»   Origin of name 'Manoja'
»   Gender of name 'Manoja'
»   Religion of name 'Manoja'
»   Rashi of name 'Manoja'
»   Numerical Characteristic of name 'Manoja'
»   Lucky number, color, day, metal for 'Manoja'
»   Auspicious Stones for 'Manoja'
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»   Variants of name 'Manoja'
»   Twins name for 'Manoja'
»   Baby Name Generator (from parents name)
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