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 Sibling names for পুরুষোত্তম

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Sibling names for 'পুরুষোত্তম' (Please check and change above options to get desired result)
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AgriyaIndianFirst and bestGirl
AhalyaIndianWithout any deformation; Wife of Gautam Rishi; A woman who was saved by lord RamaGirl
AhalyaIndianRishi Gautam's wife; Women rescued by lord RamaGirl
AhalyaIndianAgreeable; Rishi Gautam's wife; Woman rescued by lord RamaGirl
AhalyaIndianRishi Gautam's Wife; Woman rescued by lord RamaGirl
AhalyaSanskritWithout any deformation; Wife of Gautam Rishi; A woman who was saved by lord RamaGirl
AhilyaIndianWithout any deformation; Wife of Gautam Rishi; A woman who was saved by lord RamaGirl
AhilyaSanskritWithout any deformation; Wife of Gautam Rishi; A woman who was saved by lord RamaGirl
AnushkaIndianTerm of endearment; Fulfillment of desireGirl
AnushkaIndianTerm of endearmentGirl
AnushkaIndianA Term of endearmentGirl
AyurdaIndianGranter of longevity; Bestower of longevityGirl
AyurdaIndianBestower of longevityGirl
BaidehiIndianSita; Wife of lord RamaGirl
BaidehiSanskritSita; Wife of Lord RamaGirl
BansariIndianFlute; Instrument played by lord KrishnaGirl
BeenaIndianMusical instrumentGirl
BeenaIndianA musical instrumentGirl
BhavanaIndianFeelings; SentimentsGirl
BhavikaIndianEmotional; Sentimental; CheerfulGirl
BhavikaIndianEmotional; SentimentalGirl
BhavnaIndianGood feelings; Emotions; SentimentsGirl
BinaIndianMusical instrumentGirl
BinaIndianMelodious; Musical instrumentGirl
BinaIndianMelodious; A musical instrumentGirl
DhanadhanyakiIndianBestower of wealth and food grainsGirl
DhanyataIndianSuccess; FulfillmentGirl
DhanyataIndianSuccess; FulfillmentGirl
IndiraIndianBestower of wealthGirl
IndiraIndianBestower of wealth; Goddess LaxmiGirl
JagatiIndianBestowed with speedGirl
JanhithaIndianOne who thinks of the welfare of menGirl
KalandhikaIndianBestower of artGirl
KalandhikaIndianBestowed of artGirl
KausalyaIndianMother of lord RamaGirl
KaushalyaIndianLord Rama's motherGirl
KaushalyaIndianMother of lord RamaGirl
KeshiIndianWomen with beautiful hairGirl
KeshikaIndianWomen with beautiful hairGirl
KeshiniIndianWomen with beautiful hairGirl
KhamaIndianEmbodiment of forgivenessGirl
KinnariIndianMusical instrumentGirl
KuntalaIndianWomen with beautiful hairGirl
LabukiIndianMusical instrumentGirl
LajjawatiIndianSensitive plant; 'Touch me not' plant; Modest womenGirl
LajwantiIndianSensitive plant; 'Touch me not' plant; Modest womenGirl
LeelaIndianPlayful; Divine Drama; AmusementGirl
LeelaIndianDivine dramaGirl
LeelaSanskritDevine Play; AmusementGirl
LeenaIndianPlant of dates; Soft; Mild; Clemency; TenderGirl
LilaIndianPlayful; Divine DramaGirl
LilaSanskritPlayful; Divine DramaGirl
LumbikaIndianMusical instrumentGirl
LumbikaIndianA musical instrumentGirl
MaitreyiIndianLearned women of the pastGirl
MaitreyiIndianLearned women; Wise WomenGirl
ManaalIndianAttainment; AchievementGirl
ManalIndianAttainment; AchievementGirl
ManasiIndianLady; Nobel; WomenGirl
MandodariIndianWith narrow abdomen; Ravan wifeGirl
MandodariIndianOne with narrow abdomen; Ravan wifeGirl
MandodariIndianWith narrow abdomen; Ravan's wifeGirl
ManiniIndianLady; Nobel; Women; Self respectedGirl
ManiniIndianLady; Nobel; WomenGirl
MeenakshiIndianWomen with a beautiful eyesGirl
MudraIndianHealing hand movementGirl
MudraIndianExpression; Healing hand movementGirl
NandiniIndianHoly cow; Bestower of joy; GangaGirl
NandiniIndianA holy cow; Bestower of joy; GangaGirl
NandiniIndianA holy cow; Bestower of joy; Goddess Durga; A delightful goddessGirl
NimishaIndianMomentary; Twinkling of an eyeGirl
NimishaIndianMomentary; Spilt second; Twinkling of an eyeGirl
NitikaIndianWomen of policyGirl
NivrittiIndianNon attachmentGirl
ParamaIndianThe BestGirl
ParamaIndianThe Best; UltimateGirl
PremilaIndianFull of love; Queen of a women's kingdomGirl
PremilaIndianQueen of a women's kingdomGirl
PreranaIndianEncouragement; InspirationGirl
PustiIndianNourishment; EndorsementGirl
RachnaIndianCreation; Construction; ArrangementGirl
RachnaIndianConstruction; ArrangementGirl
RachnaIndianConstruction; Arrangement; CreationGirl
RaimaIndianPleasing; Rama of the AxeGirl
RajashriIndianRoyalty; King's Pride; OrnamentGirl
RanjanIndianEnjoyment; Pleasing; DelightingGirl
RanjanaIndianEnjoyment; Pleasing; DelightingGirl
RishithaIndianThe bestGirl
RitikaIndianMovement; Of BrassGirl
RitikaIndianMovement; Of Brass; BronzeGirl
SadhanaIndianLong practice; Long study; Fulfillment; Goddess DurgaGirl
SadhanaIndianLong practice; FulfillmentGirl
SadhanaIndianGoddess Durga; Long practice; FulfillmentGirl
SamanviIndianOne who poses all best qualitiesGirl
SaniyaIndianA moment in timeGirl
SaukhyadaIndianBestower of well beingGirl
ShabariIndianA tribal devotee of lord RamaGirl
ShabariIndianTribal devotee of lord RamaGirl
ShagunIndianAuspicious momentGirl
ShobhnaIndianOrnamental; ShiningGirl
ShobhnaIndianOrnamental; Shining; BeautifulGirl
ShrayaIndianShresth; BestGirl
ShrestaIndianForemost; Best; FirstGirl
ShresthIndianPerfect; Best of allGirl
ShresthSanskritPerfect; Best of allGirl
ShresthiIndianPerfect; Best of allGirl
ShresthiIndianBest of allGirl
ShresthiSanskritPerfect; Best of allGirl
ShuchiIndianEmbodiment of purity; PureGirl
SiddhiIndianWife of lord Ganesh; AchievementGirl
SiddhiIndianAchievement; Ever ready to protectGirl
SiddhiIndianAchievement; Ever ready to protect; GoddessGirl
SitaIndianWife of lord RamaGirl
SreyaIndianBest; Beautiful; ExcellentGirl
SrutakirtiIndianWife of Shatrughna in RamayanaGirl
Straina SoumyaIndianShowering goodness on womenGirl
SunayanaIndianWomen with a beautiful eyesGirl
SunayaniIndianWomen with a beautiful eyesGirl
SundhaIndianA Character in epic RamayanaGirl
SundhaIndianA character from the epic RamayanaGirl
SundhaIndianCharacter from the epic RamayanaGirl
SuyashaIndianGood achievementGirl
TamburaIndianMusical InstrumentGirl
TamburaIndianA musical instrumentGirl
TimilaIndianAn instrumentGirl
TimilaIndianAn musical instrumentGirl
TithiIndianDate; Moment of timeGirl
TriguniIndianThree dimensionsGirl
TriguniIndianThe three dimensionsGirl
TrikayaIndianThree dimensionalGirl
TritiIndianA moment in timeGirl
UpamaIndianComparison; The bestGirl
UpmaIndianThe bestGirl
VaidehiIndianGoddess Sita; Wife of lord RamaGirl
VaidehiSanskritSita; Wife of Lord RamaGirl
VaradaIndianBestower; Daughter; Goddess LaxmiGirl
VasupradaIndianBestower of wealthGirl
VeenaIndianA musical instrument (Beena)Girl
VinaIndianMusical InstrumentGirl
VivekaIndianRight; Judgment; Conscience; Intelligent and wittyGirl
VrittiIndianNature; TemperamentGirl
VyadhinashiniIndianVanquisher of ailmentsGirl
YonitaIndianLady; Women; GirlGirl
YosanaIndianLady; Women; GirlGirl
YoshitaIndianLady; Women; GirlGirl

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»   Analysis of name 'পুরুষোত্তম'
»   Origin of name 'পুরুষোত্তম'
»   Gender of name 'পুরুষোত্তম'
»   Religion of name 'পুরুষোত্তম'
»   Rashi of name 'পুরুষোত্তম'
»   Numerical Characteristic of name 'পুরুষোত্তম'
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»   Variants of name 'পুরুষোত্তম'
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